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La Société Francophone de Chirurgie Oncologique a été recréée en 2007 pour représenter la chirurgie cancérologique française. Neuf congrès, Marseille en 2007, Biarritz en 2009, Nancy en 2011, Villejuif en 2012, Lyon en 2013, Nantes en 2014, Marseille en 2016, La Baule en 2018 et Montpellier en 2019 ont été de véritables succès permettant de définir avec optimisme le périmètre de nos ambitions.  

Un enjeu clair et double pour la SFCO

Fondatrice du Conseil National de Cancérologie

la SFCO est l’organe singulier représentatif auprès des pouvoirs publics et notamment de la Haute Autorité en Santé de tous les chirurgiens français qui pratiquent la chirurgie oncologique. Elle est à ce titre membre fondatrice du Conseil National de Cancérologie à côté de 11 autres sociétés ou syndicats français.

Favoriser les échanges entre professionnels

la SFCO est la communauté d’échanges scientifiques et professionnels dont les chirurgiens avaient besoin en France pour développer leur savoir-faire spécifique dans ce domaine quelle que soit la spécialité d’organe. Fort de ce succès initiateur, la SFCO se doit à présent de mettre en place une nouvelle structure de fonctionnement permettant de concrétiser nos projets.Son bureau initialement restreint en phase de lancement est à ce jour élargi à 5 membres, chacun d’entre eux se voyant imparti une mission spécifique comme la coordination de l’action pédagogique (Michel Rivoire), le développement du site web (Frédéric Marchal, Jean-Marc Classe), le développement des relations internationales (Christophe Pomel) ou l’activité recherche (Marc Pocard). Une ouverture sur les centres hospitaliers généraux est engagée (Jean-Marc Tortuyaux, CHG de Toul) et le bureau souhaiterait accueillir un représentant actif du secteur libéral (Krishna B Clough, Paris).

e-SFCO 2020

Public /

Les stratégies d’amélioration de la qualité en chirurgie oncologique - Jeudi 11 &  Vendredi 12 Juin 2020 Cette année, le congrès annuel de la ...


SFCO 2019 : 10e Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chirurgie Oncologique

    Président du congrès : Pr Philippe Rouanet Comité scientifique : Dr Marie de Boutray, Dr Sébastien Carrere, Pr Jean-Marc Cl...


SFCO 2018: 9e Congrès de la Société Fançaise de Chirurgie Oncologique

Président de la SFCO & Directeur du congrès : Pr Jean-Marc Classe Comité scientifique : Pr Emmanuel Barranger, Pr Philippe Descamps, Dr Gilles Dolivet, Pr Serge...

Monday, September 9th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Monday, September 9th 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Tuesday, September 10th 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Tuesday, September 10th 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Tuesday, September 10th 2024 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Tuesday, September 10th 2024 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

La gestion de la douleur dans les cancers gynécologiques

Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Thursday, June 20th 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Friday, June 21st 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Friday, June 21st 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Friday, June 21st 2024 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Friday, June 21st 2024 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Innovations thérapeutiques dans les cancers gynécologiques

À destination des patientes et de leurs proches

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Changements de pratiques en chirurgie sénologique, ce que les chirurgiens doivent savoir

Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Wednesday, May 22nd 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Thursday, May 23rd 2024 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Cancers gynécologiques

Monday, May 13th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Monday, May 13th 2024 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Tuesday, May 14th 2024 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Tuesday, May 14th 2024 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Tuesday, May 14th 2024 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Tuesday, May 14th 2024 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Nouvelles autorisations en chirurgie des cancers :

Où en est-on 2 ans après la publication du décret Véran ?

Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Tuesday, September 19th 2023 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Wednesday, September 20th 2023 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Wednesday, September 20th 2023 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Wednesday, September 20th 2023 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Wednesday, September 20th 2023 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Prise en charge des carcinomes séreux de bas grade en 2023

Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Thursday, September 7th 2023 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Friday, September 8th 2023 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Friday, September 8th 2023 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Friday, September 8th 2023 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Friday, September 8th 2023 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Septembre Turquoise

L'activité physique pendant les traitements et après la maladie

Friday, May 12th 2023 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 05am to 06am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 08am to 09am (GMT-7)
New York : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 11am to 12pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 03pm to 04pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 10pm to 11pm (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Friday, May 12th 2023 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Saturday, May 13th 2023 from 12am to 01am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Saturday, May 13th 2023 from 02am to 03am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Saturday, May 13th 2023 from 04am to 05am (GMT+13)

Complex Surgery of the Cervicothoracic Confines

Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 06am to 07:30am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 09am to 10:30am (GMT-7)
New York : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 12pm to 01:30pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 01pm to 02:30pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 04pm to 05:30pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 05pm to 06:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 06pm to 07:30pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 07pm to 08:30pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 08pm to 09:30pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Wednesday, May 10th 2023 from 11pm to 12:30am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Thursday, May 11th 2023 from 12am to 01:30am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Thursday, May 11th 2023 from 01am to 02:30am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Thursday, May 11th 2023 from 03am to 04:30am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Thursday, May 11th 2023 from 05am to 06:30am (GMT+13)

Cancer du sein : actualités et essais en cours, vers où allons-nous ?

Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 05:30pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 05:30am to 07am (GMT-10)
San Francisco : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 08:30am to 10am (GMT-7)
New York : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 11:30am to 01pm (GMT-4)
Buenos Aires : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT-3)
Reykjavik : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 03:30pm to 05pm (GMT)
London / Dublin : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 04:30pm to 06pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 05:30pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 06:30pm to 08pm (GMT+3)
Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 07:30pm to 09pm (GMT+4)
Bangkok : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 10:30pm to 12am (GMT+7)
Shanghai : Tuesday, April 25th 2023 from 11:30pm to 01am (GMT+8)
Tokyo : Wednesday, April 26th 2023 from 12:30am to 02am (GMT+9)
Sydney : Wednesday, April 26th 2023 from 02:30am to 04am (GMT+11)
Wellington : Wednesday, April 26th 2023 from 04:30am to 06am (GMT+13)

Nouvelles autorisations de la chirurgie du cancer

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